Preschool/Kindergarten Daily Schedule

Summary      Teachers       Curriculum       Daily Schedule


Breakfast is available for early arrivals.  Students prepare for a day of purposeful work.  They may work on materials, watering plants, flower arranging for tables, folding laundry, preparing washcloths, feeding fish and animals, unloading the dishwasher, preparing water work and other works, or help gathering food from the garden.


Breakfast is put away and snack is available.  Individual snack work is also available at this time.  Children will continue to work and have lessons for an uninterrupted period.


The gathering music begins and the children sit for songs, stories, books and movement activities.  We come together for group fun and sharing or we may also introduce academic concepts suitable for group presentations.  Children who do not wish to participate may choose a quiet work or a book to look at. Kindergarteners help prepare for lunch and nap by setting tables and putting sheets on nap mats.


The children are excused from gathering to either wash their hands and have lunch or to go outside. At lunch the children unpack their lunch boxes and then sit to wait for the group before singing a song of thankfulness and then eating as a group.  The children practice table manners and participate in quiet conversations about their day.  When they are finished they clear their spot, wipe the table and ask to be excused from the table to go outside.


It is now time for the children who were outside to come and have lunch and the children who were at lunch to go outside.  The children who are outside participate in activities such as gardening, care of outside environment and going for nature walks.


Children who request naps will nap at this time.  Stories are read as the children fall asleep and calming music is played.  The Kindergarteners work on challenging activities and receive lessons on Montessori materials.


Afternoon snack is available for the children.  The children serve themselves and set their place at the table.  The children are woken up and they help fold their blankets and sheet and put their nap things away in their bins.  Quiet activities such as books and art activities are available and lessons on Montessori works are provided.


The children are gradually excused to go outside and spend time playing, collecting nature items, swinging and climbing.


The children come in from outside and wash their hands.  They sit for an informal story time or may choose a quiet work.  The children may also help close the classroom by washing tables and chairs, vacuum, closing curtains and preparing work for the next day.

The school closes at 5:30.